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Integer Programming and It’s Application in Scheduling


报告题目:Integer Programming and It’s Application in Scheduling

报告时间:202415日(周五) 上午 9:00-10:30

会议地点:经管学院B221、腾讯会议712 637 939

报告人:Xiao Alison Chen 助理教授  彼得.T.保罗商学院 新罕布什尔大学

邀请人:薄洪光 教授


This talk aims to explore the application of integer program (IP) problems in production scheduling, focusing on two distinct models. We begin by discussing the fundamental characteristics and formulation techniques of IP problems. Subsequently, we delve into the rescheduling model under disruption, where a manufacturer needs to reschedule job sequences to minimize setup cost, inventory holding cost, and late penalty cost. We also propose a genetic algorithm to solve the problem. Next, we shift our attention to a scheduling problem under the time-of-use electricity pricing policy. This model considers the influence of variable electricity prices on production scheduling decisions. We present the formulation of the model, highlighting its unique challenges and opportunities. Additionally, we discuss the next steps of this ongoing research project.


Xiao Alison Chen, 于天津大学获得供应链与物流工程专业的学士学位,于明尼苏达大学获得工业工程专业的博士学位,现任职于新罕布什尔大学彼得.T.保罗商学院助理教授。担任Production and Operations ManagementOperations Research LettersJournal of Supply Chain and Operations ManagementIntl J of Operations Research and Information Systems等期刊的评审。主要从事供应链管理和算法设计的研究工作,主要研究方向为运营管理,收益管理,机器调度,数据分析。研究成果发表于Computers and Operations Research等国际权威学术期刊。


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